Saturday, July 28, 2012


On 28th July I held a comedy and laughter group for a group in Camberwell, Melbourne. For several of them, English is a second language and laughter served as a common language that bridges cultures and creates harmony. The participation was enthusiastic and the feedback was positive.
‘I have been coming to this group for three years,’ said Seema, one of the participants ‘and this is one of the best things that has happened to me.’
When I started doing comedy and running laughter groups, the reaction was a bit bemused.
‘An Indian woman doing comedy and laughter groups?’ said one audience member to me. ‘That’s amazing.’
A few months ago, a comedian called Mikey Dynon approached me.
‘I’m organizing an event called ‘Laugh to stop homelessness,’ he said. ‘The idea is to focus attention on the plight of the homeless. I’d like you to take part.’
I didn’t hesitate for a moment.
‘Of course, Mikey,’ I said. The plight of the homeless has always been a cause close to my heart. Whenever I get into my warm house and bed, I remember those who are spending cold winter nights on our streets.
Laugh to stop homelessness is a charity event with several comedians taking part, at Trades Hall on October 27th this year.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

What happens when no one laughs?

Ever tried to make a joke or tell a funny story and no one laughs?  It happens to all of us. What do you do when no one laughs? 

The simple answer is, you keep going. If you’re giving a talk and your joke falls flat, don’t stop and question the audience and tell them they have no sense of humour. Just keep going.

A while ago I did a gig at a retirement village. There was no response to my funny stories from the audience members. I had a sinking and queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach but I wanted to be professional so I kept going till the end. I couldn’t wait to get off that stage.
After the show, several audience members came up to me and said.
‘We loved your show. It was so funny.’
Huh, I wondered. Why didn’t they laugh?
I decided to ask them.
‘Why wasn’t anyone laughing?’
‘Oh, we smile on the inside, dear’ said a lovely lady with permed hair, a blue handbag and a matching dress.

That was a relief to know. People may not laugh for several reasons. They may laugh on the inside like this group, they may be having a bad day or they may not find your material funny. Don’t let it stop you trying again. Being funny needs practice. Whether it’s telling a funny story to your friends or giving a humorous talk, keep trying out your material till you get more people laughing.

Saturday, June 30, 2012


That was my mission when I started doing comedy. I wanted to go from frown to clown or in other words change my attitude to a positive one. I also wanted to get my audience to do the same.
It was tough going but eventually the laughs came along. With it my self-esteem also improved to the point where if people didn’t laugh on some days, I just went home and worked to improve my material and returned again.
You don’t usually think of self-esteem and comedy in the same breath but self-esteem can come from believing in yourself and doing what you love doing with a passion.
My passion is to bring more laughter into this world. That’s why I do comedy. That’s why I’m part of a laughter group and a qualified laughter leader.
What is your passion?  Find out. Maybe you have a hidden passion that is just waiting to come out.  Go ahead.  Take the next action as bestselling author David Allen says in his book ‘Getting things done.’ By the way, this is one of the best books that I’ve read in a while and I highly recommend it if you want to straighten out your life and take that first step in building up your self-esteem.
Begin today and find your passion. To inspire you, I’d like to bring you a special motivational story from our Guest Writer and World Champion of Public Speaking Darren LaCroix. 

STAGE TIME: “The Pilot’s Mentor: Heights Others May Never Reach”
By Darren LaCroix
You can contact Darren at
Do you ever wonder why some people “make it” and others do not?  Why some in your industry with less experience surpass those who have been around for years?  It is no mistake.  It is not “luck,” but what is it?
My brother David has an inspiring story.  When he was 18 years old he took a one-hour “fly a plane” lesson.  He came home and told our mom that he was going to be a pilot.  To truly understand the value of this story you have to know… in high school though he was a talented athlete, my brother was not known for his grades or study habits.  He was challenged by dyslexia before they tested people for that.  My parents were shocked and wondered how in the world he would be able to study to earn such a lofty goal.
How did David approach such and enormous challenge?  Though I saw the amazing transformation of my brother when he found his passion, I was too young to understand the why behind it.  As the little brother I just noticed he was locked in our room studying like never before, but it was much more than that.
David explained to me that most “pilots” start out as flight instructors after getting their commercial pilot’s license and instrument ratings, which can be accomplished with as little as 250 hour flight time…total!).  With very few exceptions, no one WANTS to be a flight instructor, but with only a few hundred hours of flight time, no one will hire them for a “real” flying job with such little or no experience.  Even most co-pilot jobs with a commuter airline require a minimum of 1,500 hours total flight time.  So the best way to “build flight time” experience is by being a flight instructor at your local flight school.
The problem with that scenario is that most flight instructors learned how to fly from a guy with 300 hours, who learned from a guy with 300 hours, who learned from a guy with 300 hours.  If you add them all together, they really still know nothing or at best, very little. (Can you see this pattern in your industry?  I see it in the speaking world for sure.  I was a caught in that loop myself.)
David was fortunate in that his initial primary flight instructor from whom he acquired his private pilot’s license told him that if he was going to go on and make a career out of flying, that he should learn from the guy who taught him… Herbie Longnecker.
Herbie was a retired American Airlines pilot with over 30,000 flight hours.  Herbie had flown everything American had had from DC-3′s through DC-10′s when he had retired.  Herbie was in Vero Beach, Florida at the time and if he wanted to learn from him, David was going to have to go to him (from Massachusetts) He charged more than what he would have had to pay if he stayed and learned from a local flight school instructor.  (I’ve always traveled to learn from the right mentors. It shocks me when people want to go to my Champ Camps, but only if I do it in their home town. His willingness to travel just proved my brother’s commitment to his career.)
Herbie was tough on David…very tough. David told me that Herbie taught him to fly “properly,”  smoothly, the way he should… and with the benefit of all of those years of experience and insight infused in every flight they took together.
Herbie always took along a full cup of coffee with him when they flew together and God help David if he spilled any.  This could easily happen if David was rough on the controls or by “missing” anything he was supposed to be on top of.  At the time, David thought it was “cruel and unusual punishment”.  However it soon became apparent that he and his mentoring was the best thing that happened to him.  (Whether it was Alan Weiss, Ph.D. being tough on me about my business, Ford Saeks ripping apart my marketing, or Patricia Fripp slapping me for bad grammar, they make me better.  I never had a great mentor “nice” me into growth.)
When David got his first flight instructor job, yes… with about 250 hours of flight time, there were several instructors already working there whom had already been there for years. Many were desperately trying to get ahead.  After being there for just a couple months, David had their students wanting to transfer and fly with him instead.
Within a few months, one of those long time instructors had left and took a job as an auto mechanic because he had no students left.  Within 4 months of being there, David was the assistant chief flight instructor and had more students than all the other instructors combined.  By the six month mark, not only was he promoted to chief flight instructor, but he was also doing 2 hours of traffic reporting in the early mornings. In addition to that he was flying a short run on a contract for the company.
Eight or nine months after initially taking the flight instructing job, David was offered a first officer (co-pilot) position with a Learjet charter company in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.  He didn’t even go looking for it.  They came to him.  (People who are the best in any industry stand out and they are the most in-demand).
Within a year, David was a Learjet Captain.  Why?  Because he invested  that little bit extra.  Herbie was a bit more expensive than the local, newer guys.  David was taught by an experienced “pro” rather than going the cheap and easy convenient route.
Being taught by a man with 30,000 hours he was not learning from the canned approach in school that didn’t work in real-life.  David become a captain of Learjet when he was 20 years of age and was rated in Hansa Jet and Cessna Citation as well.  All of his co-pilots were ten or twenty years older that he was.  He met every requirement he needed for his ATP License, but they could not give it to him until he met the requirement of being twenty-three.  Like in most industries, most pilots surmise you can’t climb the ladder that fast.  My brother told me he was naive to the fact, “I didn’t know that you couldn’t do it.”
There are definite reasons why people climb to the top of their industry.  There are definite reasons why some flounder and never achieve greatness in their field.  David stopped logging his time at 12,000 flight hours. He said to me, “I always wondered what happened to those guys whom had been floundering around there for years, getting nowhere.”
Have you seen people in your field who are floundering around and trying to figure it out themselves, or worse learning from someone else with only 300 hours? Who could be your Herbie?  Are you willing to go to your Herbie instead of learning from a local instructor?  Are you willing to invest a little more too?
It’s not just what he learned from Herbie, it’s what he did with it and how he applied it.  What lesson will you take from my brother’s story?

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Laugh and Get Rich

How to profit from humor in any business

This book by World Champion of Public Speaking Darren LaCroix and Certified Speaking Professional Rick Segel impressed me with it's collection of tools and stories which serve as a blueprint for business success.

It gives you a step by step understanding of how inclusionary humor can improve organizational efficiency and boost employee morale. When we think of corporate success, we don't usually think humor. This book proves otherwise.

Ralph Smedley, founder of Toastmasters International said that "the most effective learning is accomplished during periods of fun and enjoyment." We see proof of this in the case studies in this book, from an HR expert who hires with humor to a company that went from zero to $6 million a year using the Laugh & Get Rich Philosophy.

Alan Weiss, author of 'Million Dollar Consulting' described Darren LaCroix and Rick Segel as the 'Penn and Teller of humor in the workplace, except both of them talk.'

What appealed to me as a stand up comedian and speaker is the focus on positive humor rather than negative humor.

Find out more about Darren LaCroix at and Rick Segel at

Friday, June 8, 2012

 What makes a joke funny?

Have you ever given a speech and have an audience member yawn during your talk?
Have you ever given a speech and have someone in the audience fall off to sleep?

It happened to me. A lady in the front row fell off to sleep. Not only that. She started snoring. Loudly.

That's when I realized the importance of using humor in my talks.

Humor is like yeast in bread. Without it, the bread won't rise.
With humor you can ensure that your message is remembered.
You can motivate people and help them realize their dreams by conveying your message with humour. 

So what makes a joke funny? According to Edward de Bono, famous for his theory of lateral thinking, the mind works like a pattern machine. When a familiar pattern is interrupted and an alternative or new link is made in the brain via a different route than expected, then laughter occurs as the new connection is made.

From my experience of doing stand up comedy and watching other comedians, I found the rule of three very useful. In this rule, you have three jokes back to back to back, building up the laugh with each set up, till you come to the big punch line at the end.

Watch some of your favorite comedians on youtube. Watch them the first time for a laugh. The next time to learn.

Another useful resource is Stanley Lyndon's book 'How to be funny.'

As Toastmasters, we're often called on to give a speech that persuades, inspires and motivates. Adding humor to the mix makes sure that your message is remembered. Listen and watch the prize winning speeches of the World Champions of Public Speaking and you'll find that they use humor to make their message memorable.

Being funny is not difficult, despite what you may have heard. That is, it's not difficult if you know the basic techniques.

I'll be posting tips on how to add humor to your speech. If you'd like to receive regular tips on how to be funnier and add humor to your presentations, follow this blog by clicking on the 'follower' button and you'll receive automatic updates.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Bollywood Shakespeare

You will be a witch said Sister Magdalene to me.

She was talking about Shakespeare's Macbeth and giving me my first stage role in a school play.

She must have had something in mind for me and that started my rather bizarre connection with Shakespeare.

An Indian Shakespeare? You've gotta be kidding, right? That's why it's a comedy routine I love.

You can see some of my comedy routines on my youtube site and access it through my website

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Gunpowder vs Milkpowder

by Uma Thakar also known as TheUmaHuma on YouTube

Open up or we shoot, shouted the bandits.

I was five years old, huddled behind the flimsy door of my Catholic boarding school in central India. One of the poorest regions of the country, the small town of Sagar was run over with bandits. A bunch of my school mates aged five to seven were crouched alongwith me, shivering with fear and excitement.

Are they going to kill us, asked Mara in her funereal voice.

Get to bed girls, said Sister Mary Martha.

The bandits pounded harder on the door.

We survived some days on donations of milkpowder from the USA. The bandits were so hungry, they'd trade their gunpowder for milk powder.